Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Congregational Life website. Our mission is to support the ministry efforts of local congregations and new church plants in the Capital Area. We have resources for evangelism, stewardship, congregational support, bearing witness to the truth in justice, combating racism, and fostering racial harmony. Assistance is available by contacting Rev. Delancy Catlett, the Commission's Director, at 717-977-4232 or delancyc@live.com.

We lead three church-wide commission initiatives—the Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute, the Capital Area Bridge Builders Awards, and the Salt & Light lay-leadership training program—in partnership with local disciple churches.

The Commission administers Congregational Assistance Grants (applications are available here). Funding for grants is contingent on their availability. Assistance funds can go as high as $5,000 on significant projects for up to three years. The Regional Board must approve every grant application for more than $1,000. An evangelism project, hiring consultants or mediators, funding educational opportunities, and upgrading the internet or technology are all things a grant could support. So, too, are the replacement of heating and cooling systems or roofs, signage, and accessibility. Depending on the congregation's financial stability, we anticipate they will contribute at least half the total project cost. The Disciples Church Extension Fund may provide additional funding opportunities.

The Commission administers Pro-Reconciliation and Anti-Racism Grants (applications are available here). Awards from the Reconciliation Grant Program are available to spark new and ongoing efforts to combat racism and prejudice and advance reconciliation and human dignity through racial justice incentives. There is a three-year time limit on the $5,000 maximum award amount. The Regional Board must approve any award over $1,000. The General Reconciliation Ministry may also offer funding opportunities. Grants can help fund initiatives like hosting events where members of other churches or community groups can meet each other and have open discussions about topics such as diversity, injustice, and racism. 

The Commission is responsible for new church starts and Congregations (non-Disciples of Christ) Seeking Affiliation. (Policy and Application are available here)